My goal is freedom. Freedom from toxic thoughts (ie learning to love myself through this journey). Freedom from feeling like I need intense workouts and the freedom to have down time and enjoy life. MORE STEPS each day as well

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My goal is prioritize protein and be consistent with my movement. This is a new season for me and I’m full of excitement about some potential career changes, I’m ready

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Bliss! That is my intention this year. Inclusive of boundaries, keeping and setting them. Love, loving myself, connecting with my husband, and loving my family. Intention, being aware of why and what I do. Self, taking care of myself by listening to what my body needs/wants...movement, food, rest, etc. Spending, asking myself is it a need or will it bring/add value to our life.

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My goal is learning to live a less stressed life, healthy eating and exercise. This year is for me, I take care of everyone else and neglect myself. I have had way too many medical tests done last year and it opened my eyes that I need to take care of myself too. Make myself a priority

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My goals for this year is to set a specific goal each month. January’s goal is to drink a gallon of water a day. Day 9 and I’m going strong!

My intentions for this year are to continue my health and wellness journey, always look to better myself and my knowledge and to see it as a journey, and no one program as a “quick fix”

Finally, my word of the year is LOVE. I intend to show love to myself and other, and have that at the forefront of my mind as often as possible.

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My goal for this year is to focus on my recovery and mobility. I tend to leave out extra stretching and only worry about my lifting or cardio. I plan to incorporate nightly stretching for 10 minutes or a 20 minute walk after dinner when time permits.

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Everyday, I get to train, is a gift from god! So I work my ass off! I appreciate you, Jenn! You have always stated this game is 99.8% diet. “You cannot out train a bad diet.” Genetics, a bad diet after collage hockey, nearly cost me my life! CABGx3 8/20...fast forward 100, pound lighter, Keto lifestyle (team of doctors built it for me), and thanking god I can train hard, cycling like the wind again! I think your writing and sharing your knowledge is awesome, and helpful, please keep it coming! Moreover, you are an incredible force on a Bike as an instructor! P.J.L.

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To live. Last year I survived but this year I want to live. I helped care for my mom with dementia until she passed last September so I really want to focus on my health and listening to my body. Remembering to take recovery days and do some movement on those day (yoga, flexibility). And just to enjoy life!

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Enjoying the journey and getting better to deal with life s obstacles with a smile grit and grace! God s will not mine. Getting my weight back down this month would be awesome to 48kgs

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Working in my mental health and confidence

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My goal is to enjoy the present more and be less focused on crossing things of my to do list.

I'd also like to work on my core to strengthen my abdominal muscles in 2023 :)


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Started the new year with my elderly mom in the hospital, my entire fam has covid- we avoided it for the last couple of years but it finally got us. My intention this year is to give myself grace, I am prioritizing

my physical and mental health by scheduling my workouts and food prepping

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Focusing on positive self talk and finding balance between work and life this month and beyond. Fitness wise focused on getting stronger and cutting back on cardio overall!

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I want to focus on my mental health ,making time for myself such as doctors appointments , nutrition.

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Continued and more emphasis on including mobility. I walk lots but often do not notice, my intention is to notice more.

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